The regular meeting of the Fountain Green City Council was held at 7:00 p.m. on August 17, 2023 in the Fountain Green City Hall, 375 N. State.
Attendance -Shelith Jacobson, Rod Hansen, Stuart Smith, and Alyson Strait. Excusing Julio Tapia.
Presiding -Mayor Mark Coombs
Prayer – Rod Hansen
-Jerime Ivory reported that the 2023 Lamb Day was a success. Jerime did indicate that he had concerns regarding the safety of the participants in the Fun Run. He is hoping that they can close off Center Street between 300 W. and 400 W. during the race. Todd volunteered the fire department to help with traffic control. The Mayor agreed they need to make sure the runners are safe.
A special thanks was expressed to the Sheriff’s Department for the traffic being well-directed during and after the parade and having a good presence during the entire celebration. He also thanked the Fire Department for a great fireworks show, Curt for being such a great help, and the boys from the boy’s home for their help cleaning up. Shelith expressed thanks to Jerime for a job well done.
Jerime also asked the Mayor about the RMP grant for the sidewalk at the park, which will connect the concrete under the north bleachers to the concession stand, making it easier for those who have a hard time maneuvering on grass. The Mayor, Jerime, and Curt will go and review the project.
-Yvonne Hansen wanted to thank those who helped move the artifacts from the DUP to the old fire station.
Minutes. Rod Hansen made the motion to approve the minutes from the July 20, 2023, City Council meeting, as written. Seconded by Shelith Jacobson. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith – aye, Rod -aye, Stuart – aye, and Alyson – aye. Motion carried.
There was a combined training meeting (Planning Commission and City Officials) on July 21, 2023 with Jordan Cullimore, Property Rights Ombudsman. The minutes are available but cannot be approved due to not having a quorum. The meeting was scheduled to review topics such as, Land Use legal decisions, the role of an Enforcement Officer, and having a clear understanding of the Land Use Ordinances.
Assignment Reports.
Mayor Coombs spoke with Monte Bona who told him they could start applying for the DUP grant in October. This particular grant is a 50/50 match. Mr. Bona will need – A history of the building, what the building is currently being used for, and what the scope of work looks like. The grant also allows the City to look for other resources for their 50% match. Shelith would like to see a timeline put together, and prioritized, so the critical issues can be taken care of before winter.
The Mayor had also reached out to Sid Facer who is willing to work with the city to replace some of the deteriorating bricks. Sid made it clear that he can only do the work as a private individual and does not qualify under grant requirements.

-Curt is still waiting to hear from UDOT about the 15-minute parking signs at the post office.
Website. Nate Palmer explained that he was asked to redesign the city’s current website, making the ordinances searchable and making it so residents can make online payments for various city fees. Nate will also take over the posting of information to make it more consistent.
Curbside Recycle Pickup. Becca and Shawn, sZy Recyclops, introduced their new business of recycling which is now available in Sanpete County. She explained that recycling can benefit small cities, reduced garbage at the landfill, and creates more jobs. She listed exactly what can be recycled -1, 2, and 5 plastics, cans, bottles, paper, and cardboard (which has to be broken down). They will provide customers with a year’s worth of recycling bags. Items that cannot be recycled and would contaminate the entire load -garden hoses, Christmas lights, greasy pizza boxes, or used paper plates. The entire load would have to be taken to the landfill. “When in doubt, throw it out.” Glass can be recycled but has to be placed in a different bag. They are trying to kick-start recycling in Fountain Green by offering a discounted fee (residential) to the city. They presented two different programs: Opt-in program – residents may sign up at any time. Opt-out program -residents are automatically signed up but can opt out if they choose. Residential -$22.00 per month/pick up every other week or $35.00/weekly. Glass is an additional $7 .00 per month. Commercial rates depend on volume.
Ordinance Enforcement Officer. Amy Morgan, Enforcement Officer, presented the following items for discussion:

  1. Curt to start measuring setbacks before applications go to the Planning and Zoning, in order to catch any measuring mistakes which would force the applicant to wait for another month.
  2. Amy would like to make a few changes to the draft of the Job Description Shay put together. It needs to be sent to the City Attorney for review and then put on hext month’s agenda for approval.
  3. Amy has requested a portion of one of the bays at the old fire station to be turned into the dog pound. The current pound is not conducive to winter conditions. The Mayor, Alyson, and Shelith will do a walk-through on Saturday, August 18th at 5:00 p.m. to determine the possibilities. Rod and Stuart will plan on going down on a different date.

Rod indicated that the city needs to discuss other possible uses of the building that could potentially bring revenue to the city. Alyson will check on the guidelines that the city is held to as far as how to increase its revenue. Everyone agreed that the high heating bill needed to be eliminated, no matter what was decided. Report next month.
Review of violation list. A list of violations was given to the Mayor and City Council so they could decide what type of action should be taken. Rod indicated that they should review the violations, become familiar with them, and return next month with recommendations. He also asked if the list could be sent to Jordan, Property Rights Ombudsman, for his recommendation and what verbiage to use for violations that are to be written off so it doesn’t set a precedence.
Fire Department Report. Todd reported that it is wildfire season. Residence should only burn in a constructed fire pit. Open burn starts November 1st. Because of a shortage of volunteers, the Fire Department has a Mutual Aid Agreement with Wales and Moroni-understanding that all three departments will help each other to make sure they’re covered. A request for volunteers can be added to the city website and facebook page.

Fireworks- There is a contract in place for the 2024 Lamb Day fireworks. The invoice for $6,000 will need to be paid by Sept. 1st_ The contract will have to be re-visited next year. The Department Is still working on removing the “training” van. Todd is still working on the recognition award and will let the office know when it will take place.
Police Report. Sheriff Buchanan was in attendance to give his monthly report and to answer any questions. City Officials thanked him for sending his Deputies to cover Lamb Day and the extra patrolling on Big Springs Road. Shelith reported that the semi-trucks are still speeding and using their jake brakes. The sheriff will pass it along to his deputies.
July Report -10 calls for service, 56 stops (giving 39 citations). They are currently focusing on School Zones, with school starting. He indicated that if the city has any concerns please let him know. Citizens can call dispatch for non-emergency issues. Q&A regarding enforcing the OHV online licensing – He explained that since these rural cities are OHV-friendly, the deputies will only do something if the OHV drivers are doing something reckless.
Mayor Coombs reported that the electronic sign on the north end of town doesn’t come on soon enough and needs to be adjusted.
Property Tax Increase. The Mayor and City Council listed some of the following reasons the city needs to increase property taxes: Water Transfers, Sewer Transfers, Roads, preserving sewer ponds, DUP and Dance Hall repairs, Veteran’s Memorial, City’s responsibility match when doing grants. Shelith Jacobson made the motion to approve the Property Tax Increase to raise the city’s revenue by $35,000. Seconded by Alyson Strait. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith-aye, Rod-aye, Stuart-aye, and Alyson -aye. Motion carried.
Survey Results. Low response (18%). The City will have to accept what they received. Michelle will ask Shay to put together a copy of the results that will be easier to read for those who may be interested in looking at it. The survey will be discussed at next month’s council meeting.
Resolution for Public Entity. Alyson Strait made the motion to approve the Public Entity Resolution
(due to Lola’s retirement) to add Paula to the PTIF accounts as an authorized individual to access and/or transact the PTIF accounts. Seconded by Stuart Smith. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith – aye, Rod -aye, Stuart -aye, and Alyson – aye. Motion carried. Paula has also been added to the bank account so that there are always two people signing checks.
Jones & DeMille Invoices. Stuart Smith made the motion to approve the invoices submitted by Jones & DeMille submitted invoices for the following: Water Masterplan – $10,500 and Transportation Masterplan – $4,500. Seconded by Rod Hansen. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith -aye, Rod -aye, Stuart -aye, and Alyson -aye. Motion carried.
Brown/Summit Water Usage. July’s water usage and payments. Brown/SR 132 Road Project (Payment – $3971.70; Usage -882.600 gallons). Summit/powerline installation through the canyon (Payment
$5,191.65; Usage -1,153.700 gallons).
Parking Ordinance. Shelith presented the current Parking Ordinance along with the Amendments. She asked the Mayor and Council to review them and come back next month for a discussion and possible solutions to a growing problem. The current Ordinance is not clear, everyone can read it differently.

What are the easements? How do we want Fountain Green City to look? The Mayor will ask Shay to review the Ordinance and attend the next city council to discuss it.
Roof Bid. Rod explained that the city had received three different bids from two different companies to replace the shingles on the DUP. The bids included – 1. Replace it with cedar shakes. 2. Replace it with regular asphalt shingles, or 3. Replace it with asphalt cedar shake look-alike (Presidential shingles). The bid from AR Roofing for the cedar shake look-alike was $23,855.00. The other company’s bid was
$26,118.00 (same product). Rod Hansen made the motion to accept the AR Roofing Bid for $23,855.00 to repair the roof at the DUP which includes using the asphalt cedar shake shingles. Seconded by Alyson Strait. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith – aye, Rod – aye, Stuart – aye, and Alyson – aye. Motion carried.
The Insurance money will be used for repairs to the inside of the building. Rod knows an adjuster who could look at the damage to see if there is more damage than originally thought.
Huffman Mainstreet Care Proposal. Roger sent a proposal to the city to take care of the block between 1st
1 South. and Center. He will- mow and edge grass DUP and the grass by the old fire station, weed
and maintain the flower beds at the DUP and the planters along the highway, sweep sidewalks from the theater past the DUP at least 3 times each summer, water the hanging baskets, make sure planters are
receiving sufficient water, and abate the weeds from the city sidewalks. He will not – plant beds or
baskets, or make sprinkler system repairs. He will use all of his own equipment Flat fee – $200 a month
from April to October. Shelith Jacobson made the motion to accept the proposal as presented by Roger Huffman. Re-evaluating it each year starting in October 2024. Seconded by Stuart Smith. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith – aye, Rod – aye, Stuart – aye, and Alyson – aye. Motion carried.

Planning Commission Report. Alyson reported – 1. A request for a lot split was denied because the lot was not the required .455 acres. 2. A permit request from the Horrocks to build an accessory building was also denied due to the lack of required frontage. They can go to the county to combine both of their lots and return next month. 3. The Woods were granted a building permit for a house. 4. The Franson’s were granted a permit to install solar panels. 5. Brady Waler was granted a permit for a Conex. Fire Chief Todd Robinson will be invited to next month’s meeting to review fire code setbacks. Mayor Coombs stated that he did not have anyone call or come to his house regarding a dog complaint. Alyson would like the Planning and Zoning meetings to be Zoomed for those who want to view proceedings. Laura volunteered to Zoom the meetings. All participants will have to identify themselves. She suggested that they try it for the rest of the year.
City Report/Traffic Control. Curt reported the following:

  1. Hallie Probst’s Book Share project is complete and was installed on the northeast side of the park.
  2. Water samples were finished and came back good. Water samples for the Aquifer Regeneration project were also done and sent to the state.
  3. Burials.
  4. Have finally exposed all the missing valves and meters. Jones & DeMille were able to finish shooting them for the G IS.
  5. Lead/Copper revision. Curt reported that he is working with Sunrise Engineering on the Lead and Copper survey.
  6. Jones & DeMille is moving forward with the GIS in connection to the Water Masterplan.
  7. Curt reported that he had the State Sanitary Audit review. They listed one deficiency-area around the springs is overgrown. The Fish Hatchery, Irrigation Co. and City have agreed to work together. The overgrowth has to be removed mechanically so that the water source is not contaminated. He will need to take a picture of it when it is finished and send it to the state, and they will remove it from the audit. He has until sometime this fall.
  8. Cemetery mower clutch went out. Luckily it is still under warranty.
  9. Roads to be prioritized for chip sealing. Get with Roger to double-check. Waiting for bids from Geneva and Brown Bros.
  10. All the utilities are in at the subdivision. Only one of the cuts had to be smoothed out.

Traffic Control -Curt reported that there is currently one application for a stop sign. There has not been a decision made since the Committee has not met for a while. It was reported that traffic is still not stopping at the new stop sign leaving the Big Spring Road. The McGuires have suggested painting the word “stop” on the road. Enforcement is better. Jones & DeMille have put traffic counters down to monitor traffic for the Transportation Masterplan. The traffic committee could possibly use their data to determine heavy traffic flow.
Curt has left two messages to Honan regarding the Grader but has not heard back. He will email them and cc officials. Rod was also concerned about the leak by the sidewalk in front of the city hall. Curt thinks it’s probably the sprinkler system. He will check on it.
City Bills. Question on the utility bills for the old fire station and why the power bill is so high. The Mayor will look while he is down there on Saturday. Curt will go and look. Stuart Smith made the motion to pay the city bills. Seconded by Alyson Strait. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith -aye, Rod -aye, Stuart-aye, and Alyson-aye. Motion carried.
Alyson indicated that the oldest royalty pictures have been digitized with duplicate prints. The Fountain Green City Mayor’s photos have also been digitized with some having to be restored.
Sheltih reported that she has heard some residents would rather see a splash pad at the park rather than pickleball courts. It was explained that splash pads are very expensive, a big liability for the city, and hard to maintain. The CDBG Grant is earmarked specifically for pickleball courts, sand volleyball, and playground equipment. Shelith would like to keep the roads at the cemetery to stay on the agenda when discussing chip sealing. Veteran’s Memorial (will be a process, hoping for help) Updating nameplates on the War Service Plaque. Thanks to Roger and Denice for helping with the Veteran’s plaque and the Royalty pictures. Queens downstairs.
Michelle needs information for the Newsletter – Lend-a-book. Lion’s Club, Animal Control, Fall Cleanup (Nov. 4th between 9 and noon), Fire Department, Public Works. Recycling/QR Code on the website. Veteran’s Plaque -anyone who was/is on active combat duty.
Rod explained that the CDBG grant will not cover the cement for the pickleball courts under the bowery, let alone the sand volleyball or the playground equipment. He suggested maybe turning the grant money back, submitting current bids, going back to CDBG for an updated grant, and doing the pickleball courts instead of sand volleyball since it would be a lot cheaper. They are currently waiting for a bid from Wes.

Rod also wanted to address the old Fire Station and the high cost of the utilities during the winter months. He would like to look into possibly selling it and using the revenue for city projects. Rod made a couple of suggestions of where the dog pound could be relocated – the area by the city well, or by the city shop. The fire station is commercial property, which would bring a better price. Both Rod and Alyson have someone they can contact to get an idea of what it’s worth. Broker’s opinion.

The Mayor stated that he wanted to discuss giving Shellie a wage for the head librarian as a part-time employee (as was discussed in a previous city council). Michelle will ask her to put a proposal together and resubmit it for next month’s council meeting.

Heather asked for clarification about Curt measuring setbacks before the applicant comes to the Planning and Zoning meetings. He will verify setbacks to make sure they are correct. The Citizen’s Guide will need to be updated.

Rod Hansen made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Stuart Smith. A roll call vote was taken; Shelith – aye, Rod – aye, Stuart – aye, and Alyson – aye. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourns at 10:35 p.m.


Laura – Website Update

Shelith – Veteran’s Memorial Update

Mayor – Streetlight on 1st S. Sidewalk at the park update

Rod – DUP Update
Insurance adjuster to re-assess damage @DUP

The following can be discussed in other areas of the agenda:

Officials – Review of current parking ordinance and current violations (Shay does have both down to discuss under tab #3).

Amy – Enforcement Officer Job Description and the Verbiage to use to write off violations. (Discuss under tab #4).

Alyson – Guidelines the city has to follow for using the old fire station as a revenue source. (Discuss under tab #9).

Curt – He will include all of his assignments under his city report (Tab #18).

Shay would like to discuss the following:

  • General Plan Survey Results (Next Page)
  • Parking Regulations
  • Code Enforcement
  • GOEO Water Infrastructure Grant
  • GOEO Rural Communities Opportunity Grant
  • UDOT TPA Program
  • Subdivision Assistance RFP
  • GOPB Funding Tracker
  • Other Assistance Needed

**Old Fire Station Assignments/Discussion
(Tab 9)
Curt – Check to see why the Electric bill is so high.
Alyson – Check to see what the city is/is not allowed to do for Revenue, in regard to the Fire Station.
Rod – 2022-2023 Utility Costs
All – Field Trip: Put dog pound in part of one of the bays.


AUGUST, 2022 – AUGUST, 2023

Dominion Energy – $3,330.46

Highest Dominion Readings –

Jan. – $702.94

Feb. – $619.98

March – $587.30

Rocky Mtn. Power – $210.02