City Officials:
MAYOR: Mark Coombs
COUNCILMEN: Alyson Strait, Rod Hansen, Rod Hansen, Kerry Farnsworth, Jacob Littlefield, Kim Johnson.
Councilmen Responsibilites:
Rod Hansen: Roads, Irrigation and Buildings
Alyson Strait: Miss Fountain Green, Park, Cemetary and Library
Kerry Farnsworth: Sewer and Water
Kim Johnson: Traffic Control and Fire Department
Jacob Littlefield: Planning and Zoning
SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER & SEWER: | Curt Nielsen | 801-386-3863 |
IRRIGATION WATER MASTER: | Greg Johnson | 435-851-3810 |
FIRE CHIEF: | Todd Robinson | 801-372-1349 |
CITY RECORDER: | Michelle Walker | 445-3453 |
CITY TREASURER: | Laura Beagley | 801-641-2183 |
CITY SEXTON: | Curt Nielsen | 801-386-3863 |
COURT CLERK: | Tammy Larson | 435-262-7709 |
JUDGE: | Mark McIff | 445-3453 |
City Council Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm
A Work Meeting will be held before City Council meeting at 6:30pm.